The largest social networking site, Faceboook, has almost 750 million
active users worldwide and out of which almost 10 million are
Facebookaholics. Well, Facebookaholics is a term given to Facebook
addicts. Think you all know that excess of everything is bad.

But excess of Facebook is worse! How? Well, you get hooked to it, escape your work, give less time to your friends (in reality, I mean), if you are a student, you even escape your homework and studies for Facebook. And now if you too are fighting with the addiction to Facebook, here are some tips to free yourself from that.
1. Set a login time
Well, working according to a time table really keeps you organized. So instead of logging in whenever you feel like just set a particular time for that. And yes, the point is to get yourself out of this addiction, so you need to set your logging out time too and limit yourself from stay for too long on Facebook.
2. Try blogging or youtubing
Blog and YouTube are really good and effective remedies for Facebook-addiction. You can blog instead of wasting time on Facebook or you can watch videos on YouTube. Well, blogging can also prove to be addictive sometimes, but I know that if you are a Facebookaholic, it’d be tough for you to be a blogaholic. No worries then!
3. Restrain and withdraw
I mean you have to stop yourself from commenting on anyone’s statuses, on pictures you get tagged in and also you have to resist yourself from updating your own statuses every now and then. You have to withdraw from whatever gives you pleasure and hook you to Facebook. Well, I know that’s really tough for a Facebookaholic, but, you see, in order to overcome this addiction, you have to do that.
4. Engage yourself somewhere else
You can always try engaging yourself somewhere else whenever you feel a strong urge to log in not according to your time table. You can hang out with your friends, can play video games, can try thinking of a new topic to blog on and etc.
5. Delete your account
I know that this point really sounds very dumb and stunning too. Deleting your Facebook profile and losing whole of your friends list and messages is like having a cloud burst above your head, but after all you are doing all this for your own sake only. Well, this is the ultimatum, and I know none of you would try it ever, but if all of them 4 points above fail, and still you are very determined to give up this addiction, try this 5th step, it’s the only way out.
Facebook is a good social networking site yet addictive. Well, if you spend a lotta time on Facebook, it ultimately means that you too are a Facebookaholic! And now it means that you have to think of something to get yourself out from this addiction. Hope this helps you.
This article is written by Bharat Chauhan. He likes coffee and Pepsi very much, cause those are very good source of caffeine instead of doing drugs.
But excess of Facebook is worse! How? Well, you get hooked to it, escape your work, give less time to your friends (in reality, I mean), if you are a student, you even escape your homework and studies for Facebook. And now if you too are fighting with the addiction to Facebook, here are some tips to free yourself from that.
1. Set a login time
Well, working according to a time table really keeps you organized. So instead of logging in whenever you feel like just set a particular time for that. And yes, the point is to get yourself out of this addiction, so you need to set your logging out time too and limit yourself from stay for too long on Facebook.
2. Try blogging or youtubing
Blog and YouTube are really good and effective remedies for Facebook-addiction. You can blog instead of wasting time on Facebook or you can watch videos on YouTube. Well, blogging can also prove to be addictive sometimes, but I know that if you are a Facebookaholic, it’d be tough for you to be a blogaholic. No worries then!
3. Restrain and withdraw
I mean you have to stop yourself from commenting on anyone’s statuses, on pictures you get tagged in and also you have to resist yourself from updating your own statuses every now and then. You have to withdraw from whatever gives you pleasure and hook you to Facebook. Well, I know that’s really tough for a Facebookaholic, but, you see, in order to overcome this addiction, you have to do that.
4. Engage yourself somewhere else
You can always try engaging yourself somewhere else whenever you feel a strong urge to log in not according to your time table. You can hang out with your friends, can play video games, can try thinking of a new topic to blog on and etc.
5. Delete your account
I know that this point really sounds very dumb and stunning too. Deleting your Facebook profile and losing whole of your friends list and messages is like having a cloud burst above your head, but after all you are doing all this for your own sake only. Well, this is the ultimatum, and I know none of you would try it ever, but if all of them 4 points above fail, and still you are very determined to give up this addiction, try this 5th step, it’s the only way out.
Facebook is a good social networking site yet addictive. Well, if you spend a lotta time on Facebook, it ultimately means that you too are a Facebookaholic! And now it means that you have to think of something to get yourself out from this addiction. Hope this helps you.
This article is written by Bharat Chauhan. He likes coffee and Pepsi very much, cause those are very good source of caffeine instead of doing drugs.
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